Katya Kat: Private Detective – Case 01:02
“So, just like that, huh?”
“So, just like that, huh?”
“And do you know what else, Margaret? All the police could find was this little drawing.”
“You're kidding!”
“Not in the slightest, dear. A little sketch of a piece of cheese.”
“Good gracious me, what is the world coming to?”
“When all is done, you’ve had your fun, You’re off and on your way. Returning with the setting sun, To live another day.”
A polished head reflects the stars.
I had originally planned to write and submit this for a short story collection titled Avatars Inc, back in 2020. Due to some things life threw at me, however, I missed the deadline, but I thought I'd hang onto the draft, change some things up to make it part of the Songbird universe, and see where I could take it. Hare's a snippet of my first attempt.
Another 2020 HITRECORD contribution. Short story for Michael Madsen's “Whiskey River Short Film” project.
Part 1: Jonah
Saturday arrived to the tune of my bedside console's alarm firing perfect three-point shots into my eardrums.